


The government has announced “AN END TO THE PLAN B MEASURES IN ENGLAND”


It will be MANDATORY for patients and visitors to WEAR A FACE COVERING, unless they are exempt.

We will continue to enforce PHYSICAL DISTANCING of 2metres in the clinic and thorough HAND HYGIENE.

Our front DOOR WILL REMAIN CLOSED with entry only for patients who have an appointment.

We will continue to SANITISE BEFORE AND AFTER each person has entered and left the clinic

Please READ our JANUARY 2022 COVID UPDATE here

Please rest assured, your health, safety, and protecting the NHS, is our utmost priority.

Hilton, David, Suzanne, Christine & Sadie



JULY 2021


From 19th July 2021 it will no longer be a legal requirement to maintain social distancing or wear a face mask.

However we at the EASTBOURNE CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC, in line with recommendations from the BRITISH MEDICAL ASSOCIATION, BRITISH CHIROPRACTIC ASSOCIATION and GENERAL CHIROPRACTIC COUNCIL are continuing with our strict Covid-19 protocols.

Please READ our JULY 2021 COVID UPDATE here

Please rest assured, your health, safety, and protecting the NHS, is our utmost priority.

Hilton, David, Suzanne, Christine & Sadie





The UK is understandably entering into the next lockdown.

As Primary Healthcare Professionals, the government have classed us as ESSENTIAL WORKERS. They have emphasised the importance of maintaining healthcare appointments, hence we will remain OPEN to continue looking after you.

We continue to have STRICT Covid 19 protocols in place to keep you, (and us), safe.

Please rest assured, your health, safety, and protecting the NHS, is our utmost priority.

Hilton, David, Suzanne, Christine & Sadie


1 November 2020


As Primary Healthcare Professionals, the government have classed us as ESSENTIAL WORKERS. They have emphasised the importance of maintaining healthcare appointments, hence we will remain OPEN to continue looking after you.

Those of you who have been to the clinic since we re-opened on the 1st June 2020 will be aware of the STRICT protocols we have in place to keep you, (and us), safe.

Please rest assured, your health, safety and protecting the NHS is our utmost priority.

Hilton, David, Suzanne, Christine & Sadie


8 June 2020

We Are Open

We reopened on 1st June 2020.
It has been 5 weeks !
Covid-19 Practice Protocols are in place.
All is well.

Thank you to our regular patients and new patients for their cooperation.
We appreciate the part you play in making the new normal work.
We are delighted to be able to welcome you back and offer our many services.

Please Contact Us to make an appointment.
Please read the Practice Protocol below.


23 May 2020

Reopening of Eastbourne Chiropractic Clinic

You will be pleased to hear that, following recent advice from the UK government and the British Chiropractic Association, we will be reopening the clinic on 1st June 2020.

Since the temporary closure of the clinic on 23rd March, we have been keeping in contact with a number of you by phone and email, to give you advice on your chiropractically related problems.

We have, therefore been able to draw up a list of people who have urgent clinical need of an appointment and they will be contacted first so they can be seen as soon as possible. If you’d like to be added to this list, please call or email the clinic.

Once this has been done, we will be contacting all of you who, either, had an appointment which we had to cancel, or, have a future maintenance appointment made prior to the lockdown.

To make the appointments, we will contact you by phone and you will be asked a series of risk assessment questions. These questions enable us to screen for possible or confirmed cases of Covid-19, as well as finding out if you are in a category of people with a raised risk of being vulnerable to the virus. If you are in any of these categories, we may not be able to offer you an appointment. This is to keep you safe.

As and when the Government`s criteria change over the coming weeks or months, so we will update our criteria accordingly.

For those of you who can be offered appointments, we have modified our booking system to maintain social distancing.

  • We are spacing the appointment times to ensure that we keep the number of people in the clinic building to a minimum.
  • We, therefore politely request that: wherever possible, please come into the clinic on your own.
  • Please try to keep to your appointed time, and not be very early or very late.
  • If possible , please wear a facemask to come in to the clinic.

You will notice a number of changes in the clinic as we have put measures in place which help protect you and ourselves.

  • Entry to the clinic is, as before, ring the bell and enter the front door (bell and door handles are being cleaned before and after your visit).
  • Once in the building you will be asked to wash your hands or use our antibacterial gel,
  • your temperature will be taken (the receptionist will be wearing PPE and will use a non contact infra red thermometer).
  • As long as this is within the normal range, you will be directed to sit in the changing cubicle to complete a medical history form and a patient assessment and consent form before having your treatment.
  • After treatment, to reduce the amount of footfall in the corridor, you will leave via the back door of the clinic.


There are more changes too, these will be explained as we go along.

Don`t worry, it won`t take long to adjust to the new normal system, as long as we all stay safe and keep smiling then it`s going to be great!

All of us here at the clinic are looking forward to welcoming you back.

We wish you all long and continued good health.

Hilton, David, Suzanne, Christine and Sadie


5 May 2020

An Update on Our Clinic Re-opening Plans

We are expecting a further government announcement on Sunday 10th May about the future relaxation of lockdown.
Here at the clinic we are already working hard to prepare for reopening, whenever that may be.
We have spent a lot of time studying the implications of Covid-19 for both our patients and staff.
We have already started staff training on efficient revised patient care procedures, which will be added to those already put in place before lockdown started.

Cross-infection control will take the form of:

  • a revised booking system, to make sure that social distancing will always be fully maintained.
  • an initial telephone risk assessment for each patient who requests an appointment, and further pre-treatment assessment on arrival.
  • all staff trained in cleaning and sterilisation before and after each patient.
  • all staff trained in the correct use of Personal Protective Equipment.

During closure we have kept in contact with patients by phone and email.
When we reopen we would like to prioritise those who are in pain and in need of emergency treatment.
We have already started a list of patients who we intend to contact first, as they have let us know they need an emergency appointment.
Please do contact us if you would like to be included on this priority list.
For other patients:- we will be contacting those of you who we had to cancel during lockdown as well as those who have appointments which were booked before the pandemic.

We are greatly looking forward to resuming care for all of you as soon as it is safe to do so.

Best wishes from

Hilton, David and all the team at Eastbourne Chiropractic Clinic.


18 April 2020


Dear all

Following government and General Chiropractic Council guidelines we are not seeing patients face to face for at least the next 3 weeks. However, David and Hilton will still be on hand to support you at this time. We will be available to provide as much advice and support as possible via email, over the phone, or via video.

If you have recently received chiropractic care, or recovering from an injury, rehabilitation advice may be useful. Personalised exercise videos are available once we have determined your needs.

We will be sharing updates, tips, advice and information on when we will be reopening on our Facebook page over the coming weeks. More information on this to follow.

If you urgently need advice or support, please phone or email the clinic and we will be in touch as soon as possible.

We hope you and all your loved ones and those around you stay safe and healthy. Thank you for your understanding and when the time is right, and it is safe to do so, we look forward to welcoming you back into our clinic.

Stay safe!



31 March 2020

Eastbourne Chiropractic Clinic Update
Re: Covid-19

Hello to everyone

Although we are not seeing patients face to face, Hilton and David will be on hand to support you at this time. We will be available to provide as much advice and support as possible via email and over the phone.

We will be sharing updates, tips, and information on when we will be reopening.

For general advice, we recommend The British chiropractic Association Straighten Up UK exercises:  (…click here…)

Also, our website for newsletters on how to look after your back when gardening, DIY and other advice:  (…click here…)

For specific advice, please email or phone the clinic, and we will get back to you.

We hope you and all your loved ones stay safe and healthy.

Thank you for your understanding. When the time is right, and when it is safe to do so, we look forward to welcoming you back to our clinic.

Stay safe.

Kind regards
From All at Eastbourne Chiropractic Clinic


25 March 2020


Dear Patients,

After careful consideration, and in the light of recent government guidance, due to the rapid escalation of the COVID-19 pandemic, we have made the difficult decision to temporarily close the clinic with immediate effect for 3 weeks.

Safeguarding the health of our patients, staff, families and local community is paramount and we have a duty of care to do all we can to stop the spread of this virus by preventing a potential infection chain, ensuring that we ourselves do not become a very serious risk to others.

If you have an appointment scheduled within the next 3 weeks, we will cancel this from our system. We will contact you to confirm this.

Although we are not seeing patients face to face, Hilton and David will still be on hand to support you at this time. We will be available to provide as much advice and support as possible via email and over the phone. Any answer machine messages and emails we receive will be responded to regularly.

We hope you and all your loved ones stay safe and healthy.

Thank you for your understanding and, when the time is right, and it is safe to do so, we look forward to welcoming you back into our clinic.

With our best wishes,

The team at Eastbourne Chiropractic Clinic


04 November 2019

Patient Privacy Notice

Please read our updated Patient Privacy Notice here

For useful Advice – Read Our Newsletters

Browse our newsletter archive here

You can also Subscribe and receive them by Email here.
You can Unsubscribe anytime.


13 September 2019

Evidence For Chiropractic

There is a range of evidence to indicate that chiropractic care is safe and effective. This evidence includes:

Evidence for effectiveness of physical treatments for back pain
Management of acute non-specific low back pain in primary care
Management of chronic non-specific low back pain in primary care
Low back pain and sciatica in over 16s
Review of Manual Therapy Evidence



10 September 2019

New Chiropractic Quality Standard For Osteoporosis

The Royal College of Chiropractors’ Health Policy Unit is pleased to announce the publication of a new quality standard which covers the chiropractic assessment and management of patients with osteoporosis and those at risk of osteoporotic fracture.

Chiropractors have the skills and competencies to identify those patients with significant risk factors prior to the potential deterioration in bone density, and to provide early preventative support and advice.

Fractures due to osteoporosis are a significant and growing public health concern and chiropractors are well-placed to identify those at risk, support them to make the necessary lifestyle and practical changes to help limit that risk, and to make appropriate referrals for further investigations and management. This embraces best practice in relation to the public health responsibilities of primary healthcare practitioners.

Chiropractic & Manual Therapies Gains An Impact Factor

The Royal College of Chiropractors is delighted to announce that the Royal College’s official journal, Chiropractic & Manual Therapies (CMT), has been included in the Science Citation Index – Expanded (SCIE), under the Rehabilitation category. Journals in the SCIE are indexed in Web of Science and also receive an Impact Factor, which is a very significant measure of the high quality of the publication. This achievement means that CMT will be the first journal in the world with chiropractic in its title to attain an impact factor.


06 September 2019

When it’s time to get the kids ready to go back to school after the summer holidays, it’s often a race against the clock to get school uniforms, stationary and books ready on time. But now is also the perfect opportunity to check whether your child’s back will be protected during another jam-packed academic year.

Tips for protecting your child’s back:

Best practice backpacks

We know that backpacks are a great way for schoolchildren to carry their books and stationary but the design of the bag and, crucially, how your child carries a bag can make a big difference to preventing back pain. Look out for bags which can be carried on both shoulders, with adjustable straps which will hold the contents close to their back and distribute weight evenly. If your child insists on carrying a bag with one strap, encourage them to alternate which shoulder they carry it on and to carry it across their body.

What’s in the bag?

Try spending just a few minutes every evening helping your child pack their school bag. Use this time to ensure that your child is not packing unnecessary items for their day�s activities and to ensure that any weight is equally distributed in their school bag to reduce pressure on their back and neck. Top tip is to ensure that the heavier items are at the top not the bottom of the bag otherwise the rucksack can pull shoulders backwards creating discomfort and more imbalance.



10 January 2019

From our team to you:
We wish you a Happy New Year, Good Health and Harmony

Eastbourne Chiropractic Clinic can help you approach your new health objectives for 2019. Let our practitioners be part of the big picture towards a healthier and better you. We have a team that can support you to achieve your goals. Our chiropractors can recommend instructional sessions of home exercise with advice (HEA) as well as guidance on warm up exercises to protect your neck and back. Discover the benefits of Wellness Care that include the manual therapies of chiropractic, massage, reflexology and Alexander Technique plus nutrition guidelines and counselling. We can help prepare a personal Wellness Care package that will complement the exercise and health activities you plan for 2019.

A reminder: The NHS offers a free Health Check. If you have not, we recommend you do. If you have, bring your results with you.


18 June 2018

We will respond to your queries or comments. Please use the contact box above.

– – ADDRESS THE CAUSES Chiropractors don’t just want to see you every time you have a problem, they want to help you avoid the problem in the first place and offer a wide range of excellent top tips – –

Here is some useful advice: SUMMER IS HERE


Keep your back in mind, as you gear up for a fun-filled summer. Here are some tips to keep your back healthy as you exercise and enjoy the great outdoors this summer.

Warm up Before hitting the links or even the back garden, make sure you warm up. Do gentle stretches to limber up muscles and joints before lifting, digging or swinging that golf club.

Learn the Proper Technique Learn the correct technique for your activity, right from the beginning. Poor technique can cause injury to joints and muscles. For example, be sure to kneel, not bend, when planting your garden. For golfers, take professional lessons to rid yourself of bad habits in your golf swing that could hurt your back.

Maximize Your Flexibility Maintaining good mobility for muscles and joints will contribute to your athletic ability and help prevent injury. Restrictions in muscle and joint function can hamper your technique and lead to strains and sprains. If you are a runner, take the time to stretch out calf and thigh muscles before hitting the road.

Drink Fluids Drink plenty of fluids before, during and after physical activity. Remember that once you are thirsty, you are already starting to dehydrate. Dehydration affects your energy level and your physical functioning.

Don’t Overdo It Don’t do too much, too soon or too fast. Take your time and work up your activity level slowly before pushing yourself too hard. This is especially true if you have been inactive all winter.

Cool Down Cooling down after any physical activity is just as important as warming up. Take 20 minutes for a brisk walk or a slow jog, and stretch out your muscles and joints before heading for the shower.

Seek Professional Help If you suffer an injury or expereince pain from your summer recreational activities, if pain persists, consult a chiropractor or health care professional to help you with your recovery.


10 May 2018

We will respond to your queries or comments. Please use the contact box above.

– – View our video here: Introducing Our Clinic – –


04 May 2018

This May Bank Holiday Weekend
The weather forecast is good. Whatever you are doing: driving, out in the outdoors, DIY, gardening or relaxing
– Warm up and warm down to lessen the chance of muscle strain
– If you need to use a ladder, make sure you are always facing it and move the ladder regularly rather than leaning to reach your goal. Always keep your shoulder, hips and knees pointing in the same direction.
-Vary your activity and try to spend no more than 20-30 minutes on any one thing. It is important to take breaks to avoid being in the same position for too long.


HELPFUL GUIDELINES – Read some of our articles in our Newsletter page
– Newsletter 2 – Gardening and your spine
– Newsletter 3 – Home improvements


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